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编辑:管理员  时间:2024-03-18 09:59:30  浏览:2200
每年的7月6日为国际接吻日,又名国际亲吻节(International Kissing Day)。这个节日首先由英国人发起,二十年前得到联合国的批准。每年的这一天许多城市都举行各种接吻比赛,...

每年的7月6日为国际接吻日,又名国际亲吻节(International Kissing Day)。这个节日首先由英国人发起,二十年前得到联合国的批准。每年的这一天许多城市都举行各种接吻比赛,参加比赛的男女有机会赢得各种奖品和礼品。成为一道温馨的风景线。接吻不仅可以增进感情,而且对你的身体健康也有帮助,我们一起来看一下接吻的10个好处吧!

1. Those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don't.


2. Kissing is great for self-esteem as it makes you feel appreciated.


3. Kissing burns calories, 2-3 calories a minute and can double your metabolic rate. Research claims that three passionate kisses a day (at least lasting 20 seconds each) will cause you to loose an entire extra pound! It's time to start that kissing diet!


4. Kissing is a known stress-reliever. Passionate kissing relieves tension, reduces negative energy and produces a sense of well being, lowering your cortisol 'stress' hormone.


5. Kissing uses 30 facial muscles and it helps keep the facial muscles tight, preventing baggy cheeks! The tension in the muscles caused by a passionate kiss helps smooth the skin and increases the circulation.


6. Kissing is good for the heart, as it creates an adrenaline which causes your heart to pump more blood around your body.


7. Frequent kissing has scientifically been proven to stabilize cardiovascular activity, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol.


8. Those who kiss quite frequently are less likely to suffer from stomach, bladder and blood infections. During a kiss, natural antibiotics are secreted in the saliva. Also, the saliva contains a type of anesthetic that helps relieve pain.


9. Kissing reduces anxiety and stops the 'noise' in your mind. It increases the levels of oxytocin, an extremely calming hormone that produces a feeling of peace.


10. The endorphins produced by kissing are 200 times more powerful than morphine.



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