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高中英语代词基础练习题 1. By the way, who will teach ___ pop music next term? A. us B. our C. ours ...


1.  By the way, who will teach ___ pop music next term?

  A. us                       B. our

  C. ours                     D. we

2.  Both Pingping and Beibei have done ___ homework.

  A. his                      B. her

  C. their                     D. both’s

3.  Everybody is here, ___?

  A. isn’t everybody            B. isn’t it

  C. isn’t he                   D. aren’t they

4.  It was ___ who wrote those words on the blackboard.

  A. he                       B. him

  C. himself                   D. his

5.  He wants nothing but a house of ____.

  A. his own                    B. himself

  c. his father                   D. his own house

6.  Can you express ___ in English?

  A. yourself                   B. you

  C. yours                     D.yours’

7.  One of them hasn’t got ___ lessons prepared.

  A. her                       B. its

  C. one’s                     D. his

8.  You don’t look quite ___ today. What’s the matter with you?

  A. you                       B. your

  C. your own                   D. yourself

9.  Though ___ is a long way from here, we’ll do our best to reach there in time.

  A. there                      B. it

  C. its                        D. itself

10.   We don’t consider ___ necessary for them to move into that house.

  A. that                       B. this

  C. it                         D. them

11.   ___ is a great and glorious country.

  A. Our                       B. Ours

  C. Its                        D. Our’s

12.   He parents are going on a study trip with a friend of ___.

  A. them                      B. their

  C. themselves                 D. theirs

13.   I’m sorry to say ___ of your answers are correct.

  A. none                      B. neither

  C. both                       D. any

14.   --- Who is that knocking at the door?

  ----_____ must be the milkman.

  A. He                        B. She

  C. It                         D. The man

15.   ___ agree to your plan.

  A. Anyone of us                B. No one of us

  C. None of us                  D. Someone of us

16.   The books here are not so well written as ___ on the shelf.

  A. that                        B. those

  C. ones                       D. them

17.   My father is a farmer, but ___ is yours?

  A. who                       B. how

  C. which                      D. what

18.   ___ do you think of my composition?

  A. How                       B. What

  C. Which                      D. Why

19.   ___ of you would like to get me the bike?

  A. Which                      B. What

  C. Whom                      D. Whomever

20.   Please write on the paper ___ line.

  A. each other                   B. every other

  C. all other                     D. this and that

21.   Would you lend me ___ of your money, please?

  A. any                         B. many

  C. some                        D. a lot of

22.   Sorry, but I have only ___ ink left over.

  A. little                        B. few

  C. a little                       D. a few

23.   ___ who come from the countryside, please fill out the form.

  A. All                         B. Anyone

  C. These                       D. Those

24.   She went for a swim in the pool yesterday and I’ll do ___ this afternoon.

  A. it                           B. such

  C. same                        D. the same

25.   There’re tall buildings on ___ side of the street.

  A. either                        B. both

  C. every                        D. any

26.   ___ must do ___ best to serve the people.

  A. One…his                     B. One…her

  C. One…one                     D. Ones…ones’

27.   He has quite a lot of interesting magazines but I have ___.

  A. no                           B. none

  C. no one                        D. neither

28.   ___ are fond of collecting stamps.

  A. Both the children               B. Both of children

  C. My both children               D. Both of the my children

29.   Of the 4 books, one is written by a young writer and ___ by an old one.

  A. other three                     B. three other

  C. the other three                  D. the three other

30.   He invited the three of ___, Bob, Tom and ___.

  A. we…me                       B. us…I

  C. we…I                         D. us…me


1-5 ACCAA 6-10 ADDBC 

11-15 BDACC 16-20 BDBAB

21-25 CCDDA 26-30 ABACD


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