一提起英国,总会让人联想到温文尔雅的英国绅士和彬彬有礼的英国淑女,而他们每天总是Sorry和Thank you不离口。他们到底犯了什么错,要每天跟人家说抱歉?小编目测,他们犯的错还真不少:
1. Walking into someone. 撞到别人。
2. Nearly walking into someone. 差点撞到别人。
3. Being walked into. 被撞到了。
4. Nearly being walked into. 差点被撞到了。
5. Walking into a door. 撞到门。
6. Not hearing what someone has said. 没听见别人说什么。
7. Thinking you heard what someone said but being so scared of being wrong about what they said that you ask them repeat it, just in case. 听到别人说什么,但是怕听错,以防万一,叫别人重复一遍。
8. Calling someone on the phone. 打扰到别人打电话。
9. Answering the phone in someone else's presence. 当着别人面听电话。
10. Being late. 迟到了。
11. Being early. 早到了。
12. Using too much milk. 放太多牛奶。
13. Not using enough milk. 没放够牛奶。
14. Coughing. 咳嗽。
15. Sneezing. 打喷嚏。
16. Swearing. 骂人。
17. Spilling your pint on someone. 你把酒洒到了别人身上。
18. When someone spills their pinton you. 别人把酒洒在了你身上。
19. When you pay for a packet of chewing gum with a tenner because you don't have anything smaller. 买口香糖没零钱,要用10英镑付款。
20. When the bartender mishears your order. 酒保听错了你的订单。
21. When the bartender drops your change as they pass it back to you, even though it's clearly their fault. 酒保找你零钱时,钱掉地上了,即使这是他们的错。
22. Checking your phone. 查看手机时。
23. Not replying to an email. 没回复电邮时。
24. Replying to a work email over the weekend. 周末回复工作电邮时。
25. When offering your seat to someone a millisecond late. 让座慢了1毫秒。
26. Not offering a drink to someone within the first 10 seconds of them entering your house. 别人进了你家门10秒,还没给人倒东西喝。
27. Asking a shop assistant for help. 叫店员帮忙时。
28. Not having a stamp, lighter and pen on your person at all times. 要用邮票,打火机和笔时,发现没带。
29. Paying in coins for something. 用钢镚儿买东西时。
30. Asking someone in the street for anything at all (directions, lighter etc). 在大街上向别人求助时(譬如问路或者借打火机等等)。
31. Not having something or knowing something someone on the street asks you for. 大街上有人找你帮忙,而你帮不上的时候。
32. Sending something back to the kitchen/bar if it's raw/wrong/likely to kill you. 点的东西送上来发现不熟、送错了或者可能会要了你的命,需要送回后厨或者吧台时。
33. Making an early taxi driver wait until the agreed time you wanted to leave at. 的哥比约定的时间早到了,你让人家等时。
34. Making a joke someone else doesn't get. 开了一个别人不觉得好笑的笑话。
35. Not getting someone else's joke. 抓不到别人玩笑的好笑点。
36. Someone else's baby being sick on you. 别人家的孩子看你不顺眼时。
2024-04-28初三英语作文:What should we do in English class?