- [07-07] To cut corners 贪便宜 走捷径
- [11-16] Corner the market 垄断市场
- [11-16] To lose one’s touch 失去做某事的能力
- [11-16] To foot the bill 买单
- [09-26] To eat your words 承认自己说错了话
- [09-26] To add fuel to the fire 火上浇油
- [09-26] To break the ice 破冰,打破冷场
- [09-26] Nine times out of ten 十之八九
- [09-26] Ins and outs 来龙去脉
- [06-10] Boil down to something 归根结底为
- [06-10] Grit one’s teeth 咬紧牙关
- [06-10] Lay it on thick 过分吹捧、责难
- [06-10] Take baby steps 向目标小步前进
- [06-10] Start with a clean slate 改过自新,重新开始
- [06-10] Have your nose in a book 埋头读书
- [06-10] Nobody is perfect 人无完人
- [06-10] Start with a clean slate 改过自新,重新开始
- [06-10] Boil down to something 归根结底为
- [06-10] Take baby steps 向目标小步前进
- [12-15] Walking on sunshine 兴高采烈,喜不自胜
- [07-07] Somebody’s hands are tied 无能为力
- [11-16] To foot the bill 买单
- [06-10] Have your nose in a book 埋头读书
- [09-26] To break the ice 破冰,打破冷场
- [06-10] Nobody is perfect 人无完人
- [06-10] Lay it on thick 过分吹捧、责难