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编辑:管理员  时间:2023-06-29 10:12:13  浏览:2269
一、根据括号中的提示翻译下列各句。1. 我们仔细分析了那个问题。(analysis) 2. 我没料到他会那么粗鲁。(that) 3. 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。(only) 4. 我...


1. 我们仔细分析了那个问题。(analysis)

2. 我没料到他会那么粗鲁。(that)

3. 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。(only)

4. 我队获胜是毫无疑问的。(There is no doubt)

5. 敌人从四面八方发起进攻。(on all sides)

6. 年轻人应该尊敬老人。(look up to)

7. 担惊害怕是没有意义的, 关键是想个解决问题的办法。(There is no point)

8. 很多学生沉迷于玩电脑游戏。(be addicted to)


1. We made a careful analysis of the problem.

2. I didn’t expect he was that rude.

3. Only in this way can you make progress in your English study.

4. There is no doubt that our team will win.    

5. The enemy were attacking / launching an attack on all sides.

6. The young should look up to the old.

7. There is no point in worrying. The key is to think of a solution.

8. Many students are addicted to playing computer games.


1. 我都快冻死了,再等下去我可受不了了。(stand)

2. 这家旅馆是我叔叔的,它建于1980年。(belong to)

3. 他每周都设法留出几美元买书。(set aside)

4. 他特别激动,眼里噙满了泪水。(fill up with)

5. 玩火者必自焚。(play with)

6. 他提醒自己要谢谢玛丽送的礼物。(remind sb. to do)

7. 她太胖, 进不去这扇门。(get through)

8. 你能给我推荐一本好字典吗?(recommend ... to)

9. 他的红头发使得他在人群里特别引人注目。(stand out)

10. 吸烟是致癌的主要因素。(contribute to)


1. I would be nearly frozen to death. I can’t stand waiting any longer.

2. The hotel belongs to my uncle. It was built in 1980.

3. Each / every week he managed to set aside a few dollars for books.

4. He was very excited, with his eyes filled up with tears.

5. Whoever plays with fire will get burnt.

6. He reminded himself to thank Mary for the present.

7. She is too fat to get through the door.

8. Would you recommend a good dictionary to me?

9. His red hair makes him stand out in the crowd.

10. Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer.


1. 在会上他一度情绪失控。(at one point)

2. 警察抓住他只是时间问题。(a matter of)

3. 他的第一个实验以失败结束。(end up with)

4. 她的英语发音总的来说是不错的。(in general)

5. 他充分利用他仅有的那一点钱。(make the most of)

6. 当我走过时, 他瞥了我一眼。(catch a glimpse)

7. 我不知道如何对待这些坏电脑。(deal with)

8. 无论你去哪里, 请与我保持联络。(keep in touch)

9. 这有一件想不到的事在等着你呢。(in store)

10. 这药保证能让你好好睡一觉。(ensure)


1. At one point at the meeting he lost his temper.

2. It’s only a matter of time before the police get him.

3. His first experiment ended up with failure.

4. Her English pronunciation is not so bad in general.

5. He makes the most of the little money that he has.

6. He caught a glimpse of me when I passed by.

7. I don’t know how to deal with these broken computers.

8. Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please.

9. There’s a surprise in store for you.

10. This medicine will ensure you a good sleep/that you have a good sleep.


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