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中考英语作文:No Wasting On Food

中考英语作文 书面表达 有一种节约叫光盘,有一种公益叫光盘!所谓光盘,就是吃光你盘子中的食物,拒绝浪费,珍惜粮食!针对这项行动,并根据...



有一种节约叫光盘,有一种公益叫光盘!所谓光盘,就是吃光你盘子中的食物,拒绝浪费,珍惜粮食!针对这项行动,并根据以下提示,请你以“No Wasting On Food”为题写一篇短文,号召大家参与这项活动。



1. a waste of food, money

2. pollute the environment



1. eat up all your food/clear your plate

2. leftovers(剩饭菜)……

3. order less or smaller dishes


1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2. 语句流畅,书写规范;

3. 词数80-100词;

4. 文中不能出现真实人名、地名等信息;

5. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。


No Wasting On Food

Recently, many restaurants in our country have joined the “Clearing Your Plate” campaign(活动) against wasting food by offering smaller dishes.

Many people around us also pay more attention to saving food in their daily life. A number of people have realized the importance of saving food. I believe it is meaningful /necessary/important for us to take an active part in this activity. It is a waste of food and money if we order too much food but eat too little. And it’s not easy for farmers to produce the food for us. There are still too many poor people in the poor areas in China, they don’t have enough food to eat. Meanwhile, the environment will be polluted by the wasted food. Also, eating too much  is bad for our health. We should take action to support the campaign. 

What should we do in our daily life to waste less food? First, we should eat up all the food in our  dishes and plates. Second, we may order less or smaller dishes in the restaurant. Third, we can take the leftovers home and enjoy them later. In a word, I think it is our duty to refuse the waste of food.



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