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比较一般现在时与现在进行时 1. 一般现在时表示经常性的动作;现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在发生的动作。He is always like that. 他总是那样。George is translating...


1. 一般现在时表示经常性的动作;现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在发生的动作。

He is always like that.他总是那样。

George is translating a book now.乔治现在正在翻译一本书。

John is studying hard.约翰正在努力学习。

2. 一般现在时表示现在的状态;现在进行时表示眼前看得见的动作。

Where do you live?你住在哪里?

The boat is passing under the bridge.船正从桥下穿过。


John does fine work at school.约翰在学校成绩优秀。

The library gets the usual monthly publications.这家图书馆订的是那些常见的月刊。

He is always coming late.他老是迟到。

My little daughter is always bothering me when I'm at work.我工作时,我的小女儿老爱打扰我。


1. 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态(已完成的动作);而过去进行时则表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作(未完成的动作)。

He wrote an essay last week.上星期他写了一篇论文。

He finished off two bowls of noodles in no time.他很快就吃完了两碗面。

Mary was writing a letter to her friend last night.玛丽昨晚一直在给她的朋友写信。

What were you doing this time yesterday?昨天这个时候你在干什么?

2. 一般过去时只说明过去某时发生某事,侧重在说明事实;而过去进行时则侧重在动作持续时间的长度。

They got married last year.他们是去年结婚的。

I talked to Tom the other day.前几天我同汤姆谈了话。

It was raining all night.下了一整夜雨。

From four to six Jack was washing the car.杰克从4点到6点在冲洗那辆小汽车。

3. 一般过去时与always等连用表示“过去经常性、习惯性的动作”; 而过去进行时与always等连用表示“经常重复的动作”,并且往往是使说话人感到厌烦或在他看来好像是不合理的行为。

He always rang me up.他经常给我打电话。

She always went away for weekends.她总是外出度周末。

I was always losing my keys.我老是丢钥匙。

He was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune.他总是在找成名发财的捷径。


1. 一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,不涉及对现在的影响,和现在不发生关系;而现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的状况。

We stayed there two weeks.我们在那儿呆了两个星期。

Ade was sacked five days ago.艾德5天前被解雇了。

The guard saluted me smartly.卫兵向我行了个漂亮的军礼。

He has gone to the library.他到图书馆去了。

Have you heard the international news?你收听国际新闻了吗?

The ship has sailed for two weeks.这艘船已航行两周了。

2. 一般过去时和表示过去的时间状语连用;而现在完成时常和一些不明确的或包括“现在”在内的时间状语或表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的“一段时间”的状语连用,而不能与过去明确的、具体的时间状语连用。

Tom suddenly fell ill yesterday.汤姆昨天突然病了。

I read A Tale of Two Cities last week.我上周读了《双城记》。

Have you ever seen the sea?你看过大海吗?

It has been freezing hard since last week.上星期以来天气一直酷寒。


1. 过去完成时以过去某时间为起点,表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作或存在的状态;一般过去时以现在时间为起点,表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。

2. He told me that he had seen the film the day before.他告诉我他前一天看过那个电影了。

The film had already begun when I got to the cinema.我到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。

I read a book last week.上星期我读了一本书。

He died three years ago.他3年前死了。

3. 表示某事继续到过去某时已有一段时间时,用过去完成时;表示两个或两个以上的动作,用and (then),then或but等连接,按照动作发生的顺序表达时,用一般过去时。

He said he had worked in that factory since 1984.他说他从1984年以来一直在那家工厂工作。

The man got up,put on his cap and went away.那人站了起来,戴上帽子走了。

He had lunch and then continued his work.他午饭后继续工作。

She lowered her eyelids,then sprang them open.她低垂着眼睑,然后突然睁开。

4. 表示过去未实现的希望、计划或打算时,用过去完成时。

I had hoped to come here.我本来打算来这的。

I had meant to call you, but I was so busy.我本来想给你打电话的,但是我太忙了。

5. 在间接引语中,以过去完成时代替直接引语中的一般过去时和现在完成时,但如果叙述的是历史事实时,只用一般过去时。

She said that she had seen the film.她说她已看过这部电影了。

He said that he had never been to Tokyo.他说他从来没去过东京。

Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.我们老师告诉我们哥伦布是1492年发现美洲的。

6. 由before,after,as soon as等引导的从句中可用过去时来代替过去完成时。

I arrived home before it rained.下雨前我到家了。

He said nothing before he saw Mrs. Smith.见到史密斯夫人之前,他什么也没说。


1. 在表示“未完成”且与“一段时间”连用时,两者可互换。

We have lived/have been living here for two years.我们已在这儿住了两年了。

2. 在没有“一段时间”状语时,现在完成进行时则强调继续进行,表示“未完成”;而现在完成时则强调结果,表示完成。

I have been reading all the morning.我一上午都在读书。

That fellow has been drinking my wine.那家伙一直在喝我的酒。

He has turned off the light.他已关了灯。

I have written six letters since breakfast.从吃完早饭到现在我已经写了6封信。



1. 主句谓语动词是现在时态或将来时态,从句谓语动词可用任何所需要的时态。

The story describes how a young man becomes a patriot.这个故事是描述一个青年人如何变成一名爱国者的。

He says that he wants to take them with him.他说他想带着他们。

I'm sure that he won't mind.我确信他不会介意的。

I will tell you how they got/will get the information.我将告诉你他们是怎样/将要怎样得到情报的。

2. 主句谓语动词是过去时态,如从句谓语动词与主句谓语动词的动作同时发生时,从句谓语动词常用一般过去时或过去进行时。

He said they had a very good journey.他说他们旅途很愉快。

I was walking in the street when I met an old friend of mine.我在街上散步时,遇到了一个老朋友。

3. 主句谓语动词是过去时态,如从句谓语动词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前时,从句谓语动词用过去完成时。

He told me that he had met my friends the day before.他告诉我早一天他碰见了我的朋友。

He said that he hadn't bought any yet.他说他什么也没买。

He cried that he had found the key.他大声地叫喊找到了钥匙。

4. 主句谓语动词是过去时态,如从句谓语动词不强调一个完成在先的动作,且有具体时间状语或连续动作时,仍可用一般过去时。

When I was a boy,I often went to play in that park.当我是个小孩时,常去那个公园玩。

I sat in the chair and my cat sat on the rug.我坐在椅子上,我的猫坐在地毯上。

5. 主句谓语动词是过去时态,如从句谓语动词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之后时,从句谓语动词用过去将来时。

She told me that I would succeed.她说我会成功的。

He said he would see me the next week.他说他下周来看我。

Jacelin said he would go to Shanghai for the holiday.杰斯林说他要去上海度假。

They swore that they would rid the country of its military rulers.他们发誓要为国家除掉军事统治者。

6. 主句谓语动词是过去时态,如从句表示的是真理、规律或事实时,从句谓语动词仍用一般现在时态。

The teacher said the earth goes round the sun.老师说地球绕着太阳转。

Father told me that honest is the best policy.父亲告诉我诚实是上策。

Did he say that the plane takes off at 9 o'clock?他是不是说这次航班9点起飞?



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